The "C' word: Being Chinese in Britain today at The British Library in conjunction with The Meridian Soceity
Jan 31st tickets available here



ESEA Online Community Hub 

Back in Sep 2021, we opened a call for creative responses to COVID-related racism and we commissioned 17 pieces of work, from illustrations and photos, to videos and writings.

The works encompass pertinent topics: violent assaults and other forms of racial violence, stereotyping and model minority myths, stories from marginalised working-class people, and radical self care. They together form a body of complex and nuanced works recording the time our community has gone / is going through. These projects created by individual illustrators, musicians, and writers generously offer a deep review of their lived experience, allowing viewers a sophisticated understanding through various forms of expression and perspectives.

Launched online on 11 Mar 2022, the statement we collectively presented here with our creative responses signifies a chorus of ESEA voices that is defiant and strong, never to be forgotten.

To find out more click here 

Looking for a writing collaborator, a dramaturge? Looking for some acting coaching or advise?
Want a unique digital canvas?
Have questions about adoption, transracial adoptee experience?
Or just have a question for Lucy.
Use the contact form to drop her an email, send a query or just say hello.

Lucy values and appreciates you taking the time to reach out. While every effort will be made to respond in a timely fashion please be patient as sometimes work schedules can delay an immediate or quick response from Lucy