Hungry Ghosts

Hungry Ghosts

"Top British racing driver Tyler Jones arrives in Shanghai for the Chinese Grand Prix. His life is airports, hotels, racetracks, corporate events and ‘brolly dollies’. For Tyler, Shanghai is no different from Bahrain or Melbourne. He’s happy to toe the corporate party line as long as he can do what he lives to do: race cars. But when he meets and falls for Chinese dissident Pin-de, their worlds collide.

Racing ambition seems suddenly futile set against Pin-de’s struggle for survival in authoritarian China. How can he square his newfound awareness about the reality of life and death in China, and help Pin-de, without losing everything he has?

Hungry Ghosts was produced at the Orange Tree Theatre in 2010."

Both Benedict Wong and Lucy Sheen were OFFIE nominees.

Learn more about the playwright
Tim Luscombe

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