Creating Apart

Creating Apart

#CreatingApart 2021!

Creating Apart started in 2020 due to a lack of physical graduate showcases leaving a void of creativity for graduating and emerging actors.  It’s remit has now expanded to include writers.  There is a lack of monologue resource available specifically for East Asian & South East Asian actors in the UK and Creating Apart is trying to rectify that.  Each writer will work with a graduating or emerging actor to create a character and story that the actor recognises.  It is important that creatives feel represented in this way.
You can see my monologue Milk Shaked Bard here

Drop Lucy an email

Want to collaborate with Lucy?
Would you like to commission her for a written work or a digital canvas?
Want to talk about transracial adoption, diversity, inclusion, being a British East and Southeast Asian?
Looking for a mentor, dramaturge or just have a question.
Use the form below to get in touch.

Lucy values and appreciates you having taken the time to reach out. While every effort will be made to respond in a timely fashion please be patient as sometimes work schedules can delay a response from Lucy