In 2007/2008 I went behind the camera for the first time and made my debut documentary film Abandonded Adopted Here. It was not an easy journey and there were a couple of major challenges; at one point I really did think that I would never complete the film. But with an amazing (second crew, the original producer and director and sound were fired) DOP Ronit Meranda and sound Cathy Cuvlier we succeeded.
This film continues to garner interest, nominations and awards but the attention and recognition is predominantly from overseas. Here in the UK people still find it difficult to accept the complexities and nuances of alternative British narratives.
That is in part due to the main theme of the documentary transracial adoption. Here in the UK we still find it very hard to honestly talk about race and the view of adoption is still firmly mired in the language and syntax of the eighteenth century.
In 2014 I was one of the many contributors to an anthology
ADOPTIONLAND: From Orphans to Activists. This was the first time I think that I had contributed to a book dedicated to the adoptee's lived experience. Since then I have contributed to seven other anthologies that centre the lived experiences of the adopted person. The last anthology Free Loaves on Fridays. Which was published in April 2024. Whilst it is an honour to be present in all of the anthologies and to be interviewed I truly do hope and wish that in 2025 that the need for such works, that the education of the wider society concerning the acceptance and inclusion of transracial adoptees and the need to continue to education the institutions and organisations about the actuality and lived experiences of transracial adoptees and adopted persons in general, begins to lessen because said institutions, organisations and the government start listening to the real experts - adoptees.
The Vance Twins who were responsible for the anthology Adoptionland are currently putting together Adoptionland II.
"We are looking for voices from mothers and fathers manipulated or coerced into relinquishing their child so adopters can create their "forever families".
If this is something that you have experience of then please consider submitting you can contact them directly via email
Looking for a writing collaborator, a dramaturge? Looking for some acting coaching or advise?
Want a unique digital canvas?
Have questions about adoption, transracial adoptee experience?
Or just have a question for Lucy.
Use the contact form to drop her an email, send a query or just say hello.
Lucy values and appreciates you taking the time to reach out. While every effort will be made to respond in a timely fashion please be patient as sometimes work schedules can delay an immediate or quick response from Lucy