The "C' word: Being Chinese in Britain today at The British Library in conjunction with The Meridian Soceity
Jan 31st tickets available here

Decolonizing Adoption

Decolonizing Adoption

On the 16th and 17th of November 2024 an extra ordinary event will take place online
I'm honoured to be taking part in this event
A chance for the real experts on adoption to take centre stage and share with the public their lived experience, the real narratives and legacy of adoption.
@writingtochangethenarrative @antiracistliberation @rosecolored_scholar
Its not that often that an adoptee gets permission to inhabit a space, to own their own narratives, to be centred in that process and to be able to speak unfettered with no fear of being gaslighted, side-barred, erased or for Transracial Adoptees, whitewashed.

What is the true legacy of adoption what is really behind the superficial curtain of "forever families" "rainbow families" and the fairytale "they lived happily ever after"?

Curious to know, to hear, to listen to the truth then keep an eye out on Insta and grab yourself a ticket as soon as you can

Looking for a writing collaborator, a dramaturge? Looking for some acting coaching or advise?
Want a unique digital canvas?
Have questions about adoption, transracial adoptee experience?
Or just have a question for Lucy.
Use the contact form to drop her an email, send a query or just say hello.

Lucy values and appreciates you taking the time to reach out. While every effort will be made to respond in a timely fashion please be patient as sometimes work schedules can delay an immediate or quick response from Lucy