Respect Due Museum of Colour

Respect Due  Museum of Colour

Samenua Sesher speaks with the incomparable Lucy Sheen .

Lucy is an actor in film, TV and theatre. Her first major professional acting role was the lead in the groundbreaking British feature film Ping Pong (1986), directed by Po-Chih Leong. She has performed in some of the UK’s most prestigious theatres: the National, the RSC and the Bristol Old Vic, to name but a few. She is also a writer and activist, campaigning for better representation of British East and South East Asian people in the creative industries. Lucy was born in Hong Kong but was brought to the UK in the 1960s as part of the ‘Hong Kong Project’ - the first official programme of transracial adoption. She continues to advocate for adoptee rights today.

Lucy Sheen was nominated by BESEA.N BESEA.N is a grassroots movement, created to shine a light on Britain's East and South East Asians.

This episode is presented by Samenua Sesher and produced by Stella Sabin. It is a production for the Museum of Colour

The music in this series is by Soweto Kinch.

Drop Lucy an email

Want to collaborate with Lucy?
Would you like to commission her for a written work or a digital canvas?
Want to talk about transracial adoption, diversity, inclusion, being a British East and Southeast Asian?
Looking for a mentor, dramaturge or just have a question.
Use the form below to get in touch.

Lucy values and appreciates you having taken the time to reach out. While every effort will be made to respond in a timely fashion please be patient as sometimes work schedules can delay a response from Lucy