Free Loaves on Fridays an anthology about the experiencing the care system in the UK.
The book was officially launched on April 19th at The Foundling Musem and I was honoured to be on of the one-hundred authors who contributed to this extra-ordinary anthology. One of a kind where the narrative is from those of us who have experienced the care system. As one of the speakers said - Free Loaves on Fridays is the only thing that government, policy makers, politicians, local governments need to make effective changes in the care system. Why because this anthology is a collection of views, experiences, recollections and essays from people who have experienced the care system first hand. The authors are speaking to you directly sharing with you the actuality of the UK care system and what it means in practical terms for children and young people. It isn't coming from an academic point of view, it isn't coming from those in positions of power who have no lived experience of care, but from those who have lived it.
Sam Upton's piece ends with the words "We're changing the story of care."
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