CinéWomen interview Lucy Sheen

CinéWomen interview Lucy Sheen

First published in 2016

"As part of the CinéWomen program, designed to celebrate the contribution of women to cinema, and on the occasion of 73rd Venice International Film Festival, is organizing an evening of discussion on the topic The Female Gaze: A New Generation of Female Filmmakers. The event will investigate what it means to be a female filmmaker, exploring several aspects of women's participation within the film industry. After five years of activity supporting independent directors and choreographers, CinéWomen is now one of the largest magazine in Europe devoted to women. We are glad to share the success of our publication and talk about how CinéWomen will move forward for women directors in 2017. The event is designed for filmmakers, producers and distribution professionals and will pay homage to Ani Laurie (Raindance, 2015), Vanessa Aab, Werner Herzog's legendary cinematographer Thomas Mauch (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, the Wrath of God), Arlene Bogna (59. Cannes Film Festival, CinéWomen), Mia Watkins ( CinéWomen '14), Lucy Sheen you can read the full interview here (CinéWomen '15), Rowan Nielsen (CinéWomen '15)

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